Exclusive Surveys


Pharmanewsprwire, India’s most analytical news media  in healthcare communications, a division of Network 7 Media Group has been at the forefront of championing the cause of a free economy, robust system & independent platform to voice the opinions of 1.25 Billion Voices!


We are experts in all manners of public opinion polling and tracking consumer attitudes. From the creation of a plan to monitoring and reporting results, we use customized software and offer personalized support to guide clients through every step of the process. Millions of consumers vote with their wallets every day. Leveraging our network of over 10,000 experienced interviewers, we can provide both quantitative statistics and qualitative insight. Consumer surveys can be conducted anywhere people gather, including sports arenas, concert venues, retail locations…anywhere. Pharmanewsprwire research conducts market research and exit polling, providing strategic information for businesses and media organizations worldwide. We are the leading provider of consumer polling, having conducted face-to-face research in almost every imaginable venue. Our network of more than 16,000 experienced interviewers allows us to conduct research in almost any location. With an expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research, we work with many established corporations looking to keep their edge or expand, as well as young companies just starting to develop their businesses. We offer expertise in telephone, Internet and in-person research as well as focus groups and dial testing. We provide the answers you need, when you need them. We can deliver a complete strategic market study in as little as two weeks from final questionnaire approval to presentation. You receive accurate results that you can understand. Utilizing the newest research methods from the commercial and academic worlds, we specialize in making our research as easily understood as possible.We offer the highest level of customer service. We are committed to working for you as part of your team, from the beginning of your project until you have the information you need.

We live in a world of information, and it’s growing more expansive every day. So to stay ahead in an increasingly complex world of data, intelligence, metrics and messages, it’s vital to have an accurate read on your consumers, which is precisely where our measurement capabilities come into play.Network 7 Research is a world leader in consumer measurement, and we’ve got the panels, databases, methodologies and technology to back it up. These are the key tools we use to keep our fingers on the pulse of consumers around the world.

We access consumers according to the specifications and context of your study, ensuring data accuracy and quality. Our advanced technology helps us determine whether respondents are in a store, at work, at home, or on their phones, tablets or computers. Our respondents answer questions where and how you want, so you can collect authentic data and extract meaningful insights.


We consider ourselves to be the best at building and delivering quality audience. We have dedicated ourselves to finding the best respondents for any research need, and our audience includes people of virtually every income level, ethnicity, region, education level or other demographic point. We can also segment by relationship status, lifestyle preferences and medical conditions. No matter who you need feedback from, you can reach them through Instantly.